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If you submit an application to register with Naational Care Link, the agency will record and use the information which you provide for the purpose of dealing with your application, and the information will not be kept any longer than is necessary for that purpose. By submitting an application for employment, you are consenting to the recording and use of the information that you supply.
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I agree to comply with the current Health & Safety at Work Act. I understand that my appointment is subject to the receipt of a minimum of two satisfactory references and is subject to DBS Disclosure at Enhanced Level. I authorise National Care Link to make any other enquiries they may feel necessary to support my application. I agree to respect the confidentiality of patients and clients and any other information I may have access to at all times. I understand that I can access the policies and procedures and staff handbook via the Internet should my application be successful and in addition I will be furnished with the following paper documents upon my appointment: Staff Handbook, Procedures Letter and Terms of Engagement. PAPER BASED COPIES OF ALL POLICIES ARE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST. If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading information in my application or interview may result in my release.
1. I declare that all the foregoing statements are true to the best of my knowledge.
2. I understand and accept that further medical information may be requested from my doctor if considered necessary.
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