Welcome to our private General Nursing services. National Care Link's General Nursing Services offer a unique model of Private Nursing in Zimbabwe. Clients looking for a Private Nurse to be arranged immediately can make a booking simply by calling us or by completing our online booking form.
We will dispatch an experienced Private Nurse to provide general nursing care to your loved one in Zimbabwe. Under our general nursing services our Private Nurses will provide nursing care to patients who are suffering from a variety of health conditions, ranging from minor injuries and ailments, to acute and long-term illnesses and diseases, such as prostate cancer, high blood pressure, HIV and diabetes.
They support recovery by using care plans, carrying out care procedures and assessments.
Welcome to our private nursing Pain Management services. National care link recognizes that a lot of people in Zimbabwe are discharged home early to be cared for by ordinary people who do not have professional knowledge or expertise to manage pain.
People affected by pain range from survivors of road traffic accidents, minor injuries to more complex conditions as well as people reaching the end of life.
National care link nurses will provide professional interventions and nursing care in managing pain.
Welcome to our private nursing - End of Life services. We have witnessed that when client enter end of life stage to illness it is a very distressing time for all concerned. Particularly if you are living in the Diaspora you would often feel helpless. With this service National care link recognizes that a lot can be done to alleviate the suffering of patients who have reached end of life. Such things such as pain management at this stage of one’s life is so critical to achieve a peaceful death.
Our nursing team is organized working in conjunction with the medical Doctors and Nurse Aids to provide a comprehensive package of service for end of life patients.
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